Saturday, February 13, 2016

About me

              As a graduating college student like all other college students, I am scared of the prospects after college.  I hope to pursue a career in children's publishing and marketing as a career.  I would love to jump right into a job, but I also have a dream of working with the National Park service.  While I know finding a job is important, I also know that you are only in your 20's once--so make the most of it. Over the last few years, I started following National Parks on social media, especially on Instagram.  I've always been a very outdoor-oriented person, with experience in tent camping, hiking, cross country and downhill skiing, and kayaking.  Nature has always peaked my interests.  I began to think about working for a National Park, specifically in the programs offered by AmeriCorps.  AmeriCorps is a national organization of community service that offers hundreds of programs in Park services, schools, nonprofit groups, and public agencies across the country.
              Recommended by a friend, I have only briefly looked into the programs that AmeriCorps offers, but I hope to blog more about what I find and parks that I want to work with and travel to.  These are the first steps in an idea that I hope I can follow through on.  As Teddy Roosevelt, father of America's National Parks, once said, "It is hard to fail, but it is worse to never have tried to succeed."  If I want to do this, I have to do it now!

(screenshot taken from Yosemite National Park's Instagram)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love that you chose to write a blog about the parks, Sam. Although, I already knew that this was your idea.. It is so you though, which is great! I am very excited to see everything that you have posted on this blog. By the way, you are only going to live your 20's once so LIVE IT UP! I am in no way ready to enter the real world after college either. I'm am excited to see what you come across in regards to potentially working in the parks!
